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      <JournalTitle>International Journal of Engineering, Science and</JournalTitle>
      <Volume-Issue>Volume 7, Issue 4 (2) </Volume-Issue>
      <Season>April 2018 (Special Issue FBSA)</Season>
      <ArticleType>Engineering, Science and Mathematics</ArticleType>
      <ArticleTitle>Chemical Waste: That Impact on Aquatic Life or Water Quality</ArticleTitle>
      <Abstract>Chemical wastes are liquid, semi-solid and solid wastes which are hazardous in nature or constitute a risk of pollution to the environment. Indiscriminate disposal of chemical waste has very serious health, safety and environmental consequences. Undoubtedly, over the last one hundred years, humans have introduced a significant number of chemicals into the environment. While some chemicals are designed to get rid of weeds and pests, a significant amount of chemicals are wastes from industrial and agricultural processes. Wastes discharged from agricultural processes and factories are polluting our rivers and other water bodies. The major victims of water pollution are amphibians and dolphins. A lot of amphibians that hunt insects in our farmlands are dying off. Just because of this, several species of fish and aquatic plants are endangered today. A lot of important plants are dying off due to toxic chemicals in the water. This harms the animals dependent on these plants. Fishes lose their breeding grounds and harm the overall ecosystem. This toxic water is also added on our farmlands by irrigation and because of this, the toxic chemicals are making their way into our food and cause diseases.&#13;
It is obvious that with increasing industrialization the pollution will also increase but still, we have to follow the measures to survive alongside. We can also take some small steps on our behalf like reducing the amount of garbage that goes into the dust, reusing __ampersandsign recycling the items so that a number of new items can be decreased. Proper disposal/containment of toxic chemicals/materials before they have an opportunity to reach our oceans and lakes would go a long way towards improving the current condition of our water. So the impact of Chemical waste on aquatic environment is discussed in present paper.</Abstract>
      <Keywords>Chemical waste; Waste water; Aquatic life.</Keywords>
        <Abstract>https://ijesm.co.in/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=5394&amp;title=Chemical Waste: That Impact on Aquatic Life or Water Quality</Abstract>