Modelling of Dynamic Structures to mitigate the Scouring at Littoral Zones
Category: Engineering, Science and Mathematics
The demand for the protection of natural structures, groynes, resources and landscapes is raising high and it is vital as it is affecting the growth of mankind. The causes of this perturbation come from innumerable aspects of occurrences. The vital factors are dynamics of nature and the developments by mankind. One of the area in which the man is facing difficulty to discern is about littoral zones and its dynamical behavior in course of time. This is a nature dominant phenomenon including human involvement sometimes. One of the difficulties to discern the dynamic behavior of littoral zones is innumerable variables, the system comprising of. The proposed methodology suggesting to keep the variables or constraints which are having less effect as constant and to consider the variables, which has dominant effect on the dynamics of littoral zones [1]. The hypothesis is to build a groyne inshore so that the changes can be predicted prior so that the plan of action can be executed against the change. The dynamic structures are movable in space and are sized, shaped and designed according to our convenience, importantly by considering the changes in littoral zones is hypothesized to minimize the scouring effect. The method of fundamental numerical modeling is opted to support the hypothesized results.