Mining Frequent Patterns in Web log data Using Gaston Algorithm
Author: N. Jaya Lakshmi? Dr. P. Padmaja?? Dr. G. Jaya Suma???
Category: Engineering, Science and Mathematics
Web based applications are growing along with technology and an enormous amount of data involved therein led to the development of methods to discover interesting frequent patterns based on user’s needs. Web mining is an application of data mining techniques to the World Wide Web. Discovering of interesting frequent usage patterns from web log data leads to better understanding of user behavior and aids to serve the users in a better way. This process of discovering frequent usage patterns is constructed in three phases like preprocessing, pattern discovery using data mining algorithm and pattern analysis. In this paper, we discussed some of data mining algorithms to discover frequent patters from web log data and GASTON algorithm is applied to extract frequent patterns from the web log data. For the implementation, web log files are extracted from server and then different graphs are generated from that data.
Keywords: Web mining, frequent patterns, graph mining, GASTON algorithm.