With the expanding interest for control from the ac line and more stringent breaking points for control quality, control factor rectification has increased awesome consideration as of late. An assortment of circuit topologies and control techniques has been produced for the PFC application. While the intermittent conduction mode (DCM) converters, for example, help and flyback converters are appropriate for low power applications, nonstop conduction mode (CCM) support converters with normal current mode, top current mode or hysteresis control are regularly decided for some medium and high power applications. Consonant contamination and low power factor in control frameworks caused by control converters have been of awesome concern. To conquer these issues a few converter topologies utilizing propelled semiconductor gadgets and control plans have been proposed. This examination is to distinguish a minimal effort, little size, proficient and solid ac to dc converter to meet the information execution file of UPS. The execution of single stage and three stage ac to dc converter alongside different control systems are considered and thought about. This paper introduces a novel ac/dc converter in view of a semi dynamic power factor remedy (PFC) plot. In the proposed circuit, the power factor is enhanced by utilizing support dc to dc converter. It wipes out the utilization of dynamic switch and control circuit for PFC, which brings about lower cost and higher productivity. A Matlab/Simulink based model is created and reenactment comes about are introduced. At last a DC engine stack is connected and reproduction comes about are displayed. |
Keywords: AC/Dc convereter; Power factor correction; Single stage.